Wednesday, December 17

What else could she ask for?


Yuuki is about to leave the room, when Kaname comes in through the window.

Yuuki is surprised, then Kaname says "You want to go see Kiryuu-kun, don't you?"


Kaname: "Kiryuu-kun is currently in the process of being reborn. He's doing it to protect you, Yuuki."

Yuuki: "What do you mean...?"

This 'the time of the truth to come out', as you can see the expression on Kaname's face just before he starts to explain everything to Yuuki.

[Skips the explanation of the stuff]

A while must have passed, because she is now sitting down on the bed. Kaname is still standing in front of her. [He's too tense to sit down, his hands are clenched tight by his sides.]

Yuuki, (having just heard Kaname's explanations, and digesting all the info): "Rido Kuran...?"

Then, there's THE revelation. Kaname's confession to Yuuki of how far he went to protect her.

Kaname: "Yes... To protect you from him, I have used Kiryuu-kun. And..... I have [killed] Shizuka Hiou..."

Then he kneels at her feet as he apologizes to her.

Kaname whispers an apology again, as he remains knelt at her.
"Forgive me..."

Yuuki makes a little noise and we can't see her face.

He fully opened up to her, confessing the things she didn't know, and submitting himself at her feet, bowing to his queen.. finally getting out all those feelings that made him suffer in silence for so many years.
He gave her a full out confession, not holding anything back.
What else could she ask for?
Blood calls her, her instincts makes her feel strongly attracted to him, and we can see the way she accepts it when she says "Knowing that it's not Zero's blood, I feel so relieved.. though I have no right to be worried about him now"
She DID understand her bond with Kaname, when he explained to her that they were born to be engaged, and told her she would eventually know where she belongs.
Her nature makes her wish him, and she can feel it. She knows they have always belonged to each other. It's fate, it's nature, it's instinct, it's need, it's affection.. it's love. It's just the way things must be.

Thx to Matsuri sama for the manga.
Thx to Sagakure sama for the trans&context.

Tuesday, December 16

Senri in a hoodie [the making of]

Click for full size
senri wasn't coming out easily..

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yay! he finally decided to let me draw him properly (:

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the preview of the "coloring part".. [when color was being cooked]

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i know, i'm not the queen of coloring.. btw it was my third time using photoshop as a color tool.. hehe.. but hey, i'm quite sure it'll get better by practicing!! ^.^

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some noise & a picturesque graffiti background were added (:

p.s. i loooove this guy soooo badly!!! ^.^

Friday, December 12

nobody knows it, but you've got a secret smile

..and you use it only for me..

so it was that different? idk..
as for the song.. idk either [inserts x and dee here]
chase? mkey? monkey? greenish? wo da heck? owner? really? it has?
like wtf.. "i just don't know, and also don't know if i wanna know.."

Sunday, December 7


"Solo velo y disfrĂștalo...
hay cosas que son mejores viendolas de lejitos"

Oh si, ese es un magnĂ­fico consejo!!!
Thx xillo sama!!! ^.^

Saturday, December 6

LiveJournal's Webserver

so you thought that the post about monekys getting the internet was weird and funny?
well, i found two more advices like that on LJ's Webserver xD and they are even more hilarious than the monekys thing.. o_O

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[click for bigger size]