I have pics of when you had "long" hair and your bang was to the side, you used to wear a blue beanie
I have pics of your current self, now that you look like vanilla ice and pretend to be like eminem
I have pics of when you wear that kiko's cap and when you show your bald head
I have pics of when you are serious, smiling, screaming, talking...
I still need a pic of you, when you are in black and at the same time wearing your beanie
I still need a pic of you growing your hair, in shorts and high tops
(with a few moust. and/or goatee)
I mean could you please go B-er? =/
And please stop calling me payasa because that's what YOU are!!
oh and you're gonna be called "uncle" by a smaller puppy... hehehe
what would you think if you knew that crazy story about puppies? :P
just wondering...
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